
Welcome to my Blog, FLR Secrets.  It is designed to help couples on their journey to a loving Female Lead Relationship (FLR).  There are many books and web sites devoted to FLRs but I feel most are not realistic guides to happiness.  They seem to fulfill a male fantasy rather than be a good guide.  This blog is for the couple that has been living a more traditional relationship and want to move to an FLR.  I will be primarily addressing the female leader but this is for both.  I’ll also have my loving husband, and submissive, Rob, contribute where I feel appropriate.  I refer to couples as being married.  An FLR should lead to marriage if you are single.  If you have a successful FLR, it will be filled with love, passion and longing.  Marriage is a natural result and the marriage vows provide a certain cement that is part of this type of relationship. 

I am new to blogging and to get the most out of this site, you need to start with the first post. However, by default, it is published in reverse order, namely the latest post is first. Therefore, a simple click of the picture will take you to the first post. At the bottom of each post there are comments. I’ve left it open so you can make a comment or reply at any time, even after there have been other posts. Since some comments were made after subsequent posts have been published, so there may be references to later posts or a statement that doesn’t completely make sense.

I’ve been getting a lot of comments which are very interesting and may give you new ideas. I suggest you read them as well, but remember, everyone will approach this based on their own style and needs. So, to get started, click on the picture and just go to next post when you are finished. If you need to get back but are at a different post, navigate to the bottom of this page where there is a listing of all the posts. Enjoy!

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